
Developing a Meditative Mind

We need a strong meditative mind—a steady, calm, clear mind—so we can live with consciousness and clarity. The meditative mind gives us the ability to act with intuition and wisdom, rather than to impulsively react to everything that comes to us.

March 21, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Kriya for Clarity of Thought and Expanding Lung Capacity

This kriya expands and purifies the lungs. The greater the lung capacity, the greater the intake of oxygen, which cleans the blood, strengthens immunity, and allows for greater disease resistance.

March 21, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Meditation for Dealing with Your Own Mind

In this kriya, you breathe exclusively through the left nostril, which calms the nervous system, supports the heart, and begins to move you from a mindset of reactivity to positivity.

March 15, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Meditation for Developing Your Human Kindness

In this meditation, the breath, the prana, is controlled by the rhythmic eight strokes and is projected out as sound. It expands your energy, projects your aura, and gives you your excellence. It is said that this meditation gives one the ability to rise above time and space.

February 15, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Shabad Kriya for Deep, Relaxing Sleep

This kriya, when practiced regularly, promotes deep, relaxed sleep and helps the nerves to regenerate. The best time to practice is every night before bed, but it can be practiced any time of the day.

February 15, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body

This kriya works to strengthen the Subtle Body and also the Arcline, which influences both your ability to receive intuitive information, and the power of the information you are sending out. In addition to these benefits, it is said to give you a bright, shining countenance.

February 9, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Managed Energy Meditation

With regular practice, this kriya will help bring the glandular system and the psyche into equilibrium, so that the system is regulated by the full self, and not just our fragmented neuroses.

January 13, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Immune System Booster: The Inner Sun

This meditation uses a type of breathing called “sunbreath” to stimulate and adjust the sympathetic nervous system and the right brain hemisphere, which stores many of the negative emotions that lead us to depression and to a lower-functioning immune system. 

January 13, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

This is a powerful transformative meditation which is said to invoke the Kundalini energy to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind.

January 12, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur