About 3HO

3HO is a nonprofit with a mission to share and make available a healthy, happy, holy way of life with humanity, based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan®.

3HO actively shares and promotes Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, and Humanology as taught by Yogi Bhajan.  We also work closely with our legacy organizations to support the full breadth of his teachings.  Our goal is to make these teachings accessible to everyone and by doing so, to create leaders who become beacons of inspiration as “Light Houses” of their communities.

Healthy, Happy & Holy

encapsulates the aspiration of complete well-being: physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual.  Holy speaks to our human divinity — knowing that light within ourselves and recognizing it in others.


What We Do

Our mission is to inspire everyone everywhere to realize their full potential through the uplifting experience of Kundalini Yoga. We do this through:

  • EDUCATION. We create, curate, and share Kundalini Yoga teachings and practices, continually growing our comprehensive hub of digital experiences, practice opportunities, readings, and communications through our website, emails, and social media.
  • CONNECTION. We bring people together through annual events, and increasingly through digital experiences, with a focus on elevating voices from all parts of the global Kundalini Yoga community. Through the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA), we connect teachers with resources and teaching opportunities.
  • AWARENESS. We expand awareness and practice of Kundalini Yoga around the globe, fostering individual empowerment and community connection through our own efforts — including the service-based 3HO Luminaries project — and in collaboration with the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI). Learn more about other sister non-profits here

Who We Are

The 3HO organization is comprised of a dedicated team of Kundalini Yoga practitioners, working in service to the 3HO mission and overseen by a board of directors. Our small team has employees all around the world, ranging from folks who have just started their Kundalini Yoga journey within the past couple years to others who have been practicing their whole lives. We all share a commitment to expanding the possibilities in people’s lives and for the planet through Kundalini Yoga.

Brief History

3HO was founded as a nonprofit in 1969, when Yogi Bhajan introduced the teachings known as Kundalini Yoga to the West. Many seekers of that time were drawn to the practice, and Kundalini Yoga found a dedicated following as individuals experienced a profound sense of true fulfillment on all levels—body, mind, and soul. Soon a growing group of students began teaching, and Kundalini Yoga communities formed all over the world.

Over the next 50 years, annual gatherings brought communities of practitioners together—families and friends, first-timers, old-timers, and everyone in between—and 3HO became a cornerstone for Kundalini Yoga events, providing resources aimed at sharing the benefits of the practice with anyone who wants them. This mission remains at the heart of 3HO International today.