
Experience the Gift of Life

Experience the gift of life by doing this Kundalini Yoga meditation. Begin with only 3 minutes and slowly increase the time to 31 minutes.

October 22, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Meditation to Listen without Fear

To be able to truly listen, and to act on what we know, we need inner security. Otherwise, even though certain arguments or suggestions may be rational and positive, they are hard to hear and to act on.

October 21, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Meditation to Fight Brain Fatigue and Live Your Excellence

This meditation balances the diaphragm and fights brain fatigue. It renews the blood supply to the brain and moves the serum in the spine. It also benefits the liver, navel, spleen and lymphatic system.

September 22, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Cannon Breath

Cannon Breath cleanses and strengthens the parasympathetic nerves, and adjusts the digestion. It is Breath of Fire done through the mouth.

September 21, 2021 | Jason Andreoni

Wahe Guru Kriya for Nervous Balance

This powerful meditation is said to strengthen your nervous system, expand your intuitive sense, and make the mind clear and decisive. It helps you have the strength to act on your ideals, and to consciously direct yourself.

August 19, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Naadi Cleansing

This pranayama is a classical technique, which is referred to in the Gheranda Samhita as a "perfect cleanser." It is a purifying practice which, if done as a regular sadhana, burns the karmas of many lifetimes. The karmas are coded in the structure of the aura, the flow patterns...

August 19, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Self-Care Breath Kriya

This self-care breath increases inner energy and strength, boosts the immune system, and cleanses the body.

August 17, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Yogic Concepts

Meditation to Prevent Freaking Out

This meditation will alter your energy by changing your nostril breathing. You can't get out of your body, but you can change its energy.

August 16, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa