Kriya for Balancing the Aura

This kriya builds all the chakras and the radiance of the aura. It is the kind of kriya you can master gradually and that becomes increasingly delightful as your aura expands.

July 21, 2021 | 3HO International

Meditative Kriya for the Heart Center

This kriya balances the frequency and quality of the heart center, which opens the potential for compassion and humility.

July 20, 2021 | 3HO International

Pranayama to Balance Mental Energy II

The radiance and beauty of a person depends on the clarity and shine of their circumvent force field, which in turn depends on the balance of energy in the left (moon) and right (sun) sides of the body.

July 19, 2021 | 3HO International

The Essence of Self

The exercises in this kriya are for the release of tension, strengthening the digestion, and opening the lungs. If you are new to Kundalini Yoga, you may want to rest after each exercise unless otherwise noted.

July 17, 2021 | 3HO International

Kriya for Tolerance

To gain strength for tolerance and humility, the navel center needs to be developed. This kriya works on the abdomen, stimulating the navel energy to rise to the higher centers and then integrating it with the whole aura.

July 17, 2021 | 3HO International

The Healing Ring of Tantra

The healing ring can be used to generate and direct tremendous healing energy towards any person: a member of the circle, someone at a far distance, or someone located in the center of the circle.

July 17, 2021 | 3HO International

Meditation to Know the Field

This meditation develops a taste for the experience of expanded awareness. It creates sensitivity and the ability to extend the aura out to link with the energy of a whole team or group. You can develop the capacity to know what is happening to everyone at the same time,...

July 17, 2021 | 3HO International

Experience Your Own Strength

This is a challenging 9-part kriya that will make you sweat. It can instill power, courage, and guidance, and expand your reserve energy.

July 17, 2021 | 3HO International

Kriya for Emotional Balance

Here is one simple yogic technique for emotional balance you can do most anywhere.

July 17, 2021 | 3HO International

Parasympathetic Rejuvenation Meditation with the Gong

Surrender the mind and body. The sound of the gong will carry you beyond all fears. The pressure will release the nervous system from many illnesses. Feel yourself ride the sound into the Infinite itself.

July 17, 2021 | 3HO International