God’s ATM is Never Closed

As soon as you feel small and limited you can rest assured you are with your ego and creating karma with others. The ego’s slogan is, “Enough is never enough.” There is never enough money, never enough time, never enough security, never enough (fill in the blank). This keeps...

December 18, 2015 | Michael Neutrino

Our 7th and 8th Bodies: Living Life Strong

Out of the ten bodies we have, the two that I like to pay particular attention to are the pranic and auric bodies. They are closely tied to our physical and mental health in a way in which most of us are familiar, and in many ways, are our...

September 30, 2015 | Savitree Kaur

Sadhana is My School

A daily sadhana practice makes it impossible for me to hide from myself. Sadhana is my touchstone—a daily check-in with my CEO—my Soul.

July 2, 2015 | Michael Neutrino

Give Birth to Your Authentic Self

Never before in our human history has the 3rd Sutra of the Aquarian Age been more in our awareness. We can all feel this pressure of time and space thrusting major change upon us.

March 27, 2015 | Michael Neutrino

Finding Balance in Uncertain Times

The yogic breathing and meditation that we do bring us into the present and clear the flurry of subconscious thought that sometimes seems out of our control.

March 19, 2015 | Atma Kaur

Blocks are Illusions Created by the Mind

Our purpose on this planet is to evolve and these blocks mean that you are about to go to a whole new level in Earth school.

October 30, 2014 | Michael Neutrino

Gratitude—A Celebration of Life

It is more important now than ever to send out gratitude—even to your losses, for they are now the story of your beautiful unfoldment in Spirit. 

December 3, 2013 | Michael Neutrino

Focus on Giving

Let go of the ego and step into service. We can make a difference every day by acting from a place of authenticity and selflessness.

October 29, 2013 | Darshan Kaur

Turmeric: The Golden Healer

Turmeric has been recognized by yogis and ayurvedic healers since ancient times for its many healing properties. Grown mainly in India, the turmeric root is a close cousin to ginger root.

October 2, 2013 | Siri Ved Kaur