Heart Center

Be Open, Honest, Relaxed, and Caring

This kriya uses a Jupiter Mudra and a cleansing mouth breath to expel toxins from the body. It’s designed to help us remain open, honest, relaxed, and caring despite the pressures of the times.

November 29, 2021 | Seo2 2

Compassion Kriya

We may know through study, upbringing or faith that we are to love one another, but true compassion is rare. Still, it is the very thing that makes us human. What is it that gets in the way? Compassion is in our capacity to love one another, and is...

November 29, 2021 | Seo2 2

Kriya to Balance the Head and the Heart

This kriya brings a balance between logic and feeling, between ideas and the "fire" to put them into action, between an overly intellectual mind and overly sensitive emotions. It aligns the head and heart so you can be great and graceful, aware and loving.

November 9, 2021 | Seo2 2

Address Screen Fatigue

Mandhavani Kriya: Mantra to Clear Blocks

Mandhavani means being in the presence of intelligence, beauty, and profound caring. It is a state of joy. It’s when you’re so happy that you feel the hand and grace of God accompany each breath and effort.

October 22, 2021 | Seo2 2

Meditation to Listen without Fear

To be able to truly listen, and to act on what we know, we need inner security. Otherwise, even though certain arguments or suggestions may be rational and positive, they are hard to hear and to act on.

October 21, 2021 | Seo2 2

Meditation to Heal a Broken Heart

To heal the emotional wounds of the heart, we need to bring calm to the nerves that hold the wound. A break in relationship (to others or to our Self) has almost identical reactions in the nervous system and brain as a physical injury or loss of limb.

October 21, 2021 | Seo2 2

Kriya for Self-Reliance

Self-reliance will vanish all fear. Fear comes when you are dependent on anything other than your own inner wisdom and higher self. If your self-reliance is strong, you are protected.

August 20, 2021 | Seo2 2

Shiva Shakti Venus Kriya

Practice of Venus Kriyas can help to establish balance in a relationship, allow you the opportunity to connect with and support one another's higher self, and develop the experience of Oneness between the two of you.

August 17, 2021 | Seo2 2

One Unit Venus Kriya

Practice of Venus Kriyas can help to establish balance in a relationship, allow you the opportunity to connect with and support one another's higher self, and develop the experience of Oneness between the two of you.

August 17, 2021 | Seo2 2