
The Sky of Ram Das Puri

Take a walk down old Saint’s Road, The tents are flapping in the wind that blows, The children’s laughter tells you “you are home”, Feel the dust and breathe in deep, It has come from the saint’s feet, It will take your karmas away, Take you on to home,...

May 1, 2024 | OngKar Khalsa In Music

Into the Radiance

Livtar Singh speaks about his song “Into the Radiance”: I have been a new student. Sitting there wondering how it would ever be possible to get to where Yogiji is. I have been the teacher, sitting where Yogiji sits, with the new students in front of me wondering the...

May 1, 2024 | OngKar Khalsa In Music

Inspiring People through Experiencing and Learning Shabad Guru

Naad Academy “Naad means “the essence of all sounds”. All languages contain sounds which relate to one or more of the five elements of air, fire, water, earth or ether. Gurbani is a perfect combination and permutation of sounds relating to all the five elements in complete balance. When Guru Arjan Dev,...

Meditate – A Song by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa

Meditate (This song was written by Guru Shabad Singh, based on the answer Yogi Bhajan gave when someone asked him to explain meditation). The body is just the body, the soul is just the soul… But the mind, isn’t just the mind For it can take you to, the...

Kundalini Yoga – A Song by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa

KUNDALINI YOGA Sitting in full lotus, hands up in the air Pumping at the navel, at the third eye stare Sweating out the toxins, master gland secretes The rhythm of the mantra, to the soul is sweet Satinam Satinam Satinam Ji, Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Ji True...