
Breath of Fire

Breath of Fire invigorates the brain, purifies the blood, and strengthens the nervous system. Regular practice expands the lung capacity and increases vital energy.

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

Suspending the Breath

Holding the breath (or breath retention) might seem counterintuitive to bringing more life force into your body; but in fact, suspending the breath brings you into a state of more flow. 

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

Long Deep Breathing

Long deep breathing is one of the most important foundational tools within the technology of Kundalini Yoga. This seemingly simple exercise promotes benefits across the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Long deep breathing is often the first exercise taught to new students of Kundalini Yoga since it is such...

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

Celestial Communication for Deep Relaxation

Celestial Communication is movement with the upper body only, affecting the heart, upper chakras and the aura. It combines the Heart Center, the flourishing emotions, and a variety of movements to transform your experience of your Self.

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

3HO International Logo - Yogi Bhajan asked for the figures to be holding up the world, because this technology would do that and we would become a worldwide effort, to uplift the consciousness of the entire world.

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

3HO International Logo - Yogi Bhajan asked for the figures to be holding up the world, because this technology would do that and we would become a worldwide effort, to uplift the consciousness of the entire world.

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

3HO International Logo - Yogi Bhajan asked for the figures to be holding up the world, because this technology would do that and we would become a worldwide effort, to uplift the consciousness of the entire world.

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

3HO International Logo - Yogi Bhajan asked for the figures to be holding up the world, because this technology would do that and we would become a worldwide effort, to uplift the consciousness of the entire world.

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article

Chanting Akaal at the Time of Death

There is a beautiful tradition in the 3HO and Sikh Dharma communities that is done when someone dies. Whether it is a beloved friend or relative, or someone we never knew, this tradition assists the departing soul in its journey home, as well as giving comfort to those left...

May 17, 2024 | 3HO International In Article