Heart center

Celestial Communication for Deep Relaxation

Celestial Communication is movement with the upper body only, affecting the heart, upper chakras and the aura. It combines the Heart Center, the flourishing emotions, and a variety of movements to transform your experience of your Self.

February 16, 2022 | 3HO International

Venus Kriyas

Venus Kriyas are tools to blend the polarity energies for spiritual growth. The focus remains at the heart, from which one projects love, caring, and a prayer for the highest good. 

October 1, 2021 | 3HO International

Overcome the Shadows with Your Love

Your spiritual super power is your calmness, so be that calm mountain for others to turn to in times of great fear and insecurity. 

January 20, 2017 | Michael Neutrino

Gratitude—A Celebration of Life

It is more important now than ever to send out gratitude—even to your losses, for they are now the story of your beautiful unfoldment in Spirit. 

December 3, 2013 | Michael Neutrino

Focus on Giving

Let go of the ego and step into service. We can make a difference every day by acting from a place of authenticity and selflessness.

October 29, 2013 | Darshan Kaur