
Numerology Forecast for July 2024: Rest & Regenerate

The month of July 2024 is a time to rest, relax, and regenerate. We are presently between two bookends of intensity, the previous month of June and the coming month of August. It is important now to restore our reserve strength, as this will allow for a greater sense...

June 26, 2024 | Nam Hari Kaur In Blog New

Numerology Forecast for June 2024: A Quickening in the Air

There is a quickening in the air, and a desire to rush forth in the hopes of experiencing that which has previously been denied or withheld this year. We want to hurry up and get to the good stuff, as the number 6 of June represents the themes of...

May 24, 2024 | Nam Hari Kaur In Blog New