
Meditation for Spiritual Stamina

There are times when we will be the rock for another, and times when we need the support of others to collectively carry the weight. That is why we build spiritual endurance through meditation and mantra.

May 13, 2022 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Meditation on Woman as the Ashtabhuja

A guided visualization meditation on the image of the eight-armed ashtabhuja, the omniscient and omni-powerful woman to whom the Creator itself bows. 

March 30, 2022 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Meditation for Self-Assessment

This kriya helps us assess how well we coordinate our actions and our words, and begin to bring them into harmony. If they are out of alignment, there will be a duality in personality that we experience as conflict.

March 30, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Meditation for Beaming and Creating the Future

Meditate to clear your mind of distracting thoughts and attachments. Become still and use the beaming quality of the mind to project and create your future.

March 29, 2022 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Indra Nittri Meditation

Indra Nittri means the eyes of Indra. It connotes the feeling that every pore of the body becomes an all-seeing eye. It represents knowledge that comes through the soul and intuition.

March 29, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

3½ Cycle Laya Yoga Chant

This chant brings presence to your soul and destiny. It lets your activity serve your purpose, by connecting you with creativity and focusing your attention toward your true priorities. Strong actions combined with non-attachment make life a dance with much creativity and gratitude.

March 25, 2022 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Antar Naad Mudra

Antar Naad Mudra is the meditation that opens the chakras for the full effect of any other mantra. It is said that one who practices this meditation is granted prosperity, creativity, and protection against attacks, and that it gives power to your words and brings good luck.

March 22, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur