This is a great communication technique that you can use anytime, anywhere. You can use it when you need to communicate something that is bothering you, you’re in a difficult meeting, you have to make an important presentation, you need to listen but just want to talk, or in any similar setting.
By locking the pinky (Mercury) finger with the thumb, you activate the inner strength to communicate anywhere and with anyone, under any circumstances. It works equally well when you are working on something creative and feeling blocked.
The Practice
Press the pad of the thumb firmly onto the nail of the Mercury (pinky) finger for about one minute. When we press the pad of the thumb onto the nail of the Mercury finger, it is called locking the Mercury finger.
Just press your little finger for about a minute.
Then change the mudra and touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the Mercury (pinky) finger for about a minute.

2 minutes total
When you touch the two fingertips together, and sit, it means that the Mercury energy of the pinky finger, which governs communication, takes center stage along with your ego. Your entire sense of communication will begin to come under your command.
This exercise is also called ‘Pinkie Finger Technique to Carry the Day.’
This technique was originally taught on November 17, 1989 and can be found in Infinity and Me.