Sat Nam Wahe Guru

Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit

Removing Body Blocks

This kriya is a rigorous workout consisting of 18 exercises that work the entire body to remove blocks.

July 19, 2022 | Seo2 2

Kundalini Yoga for Detoxification

We process food, thoughts, and all forms of energy. When that flow is continuous and clear, we are steady and flexible. The trouble is that we accumulate more than we process. This set systematically moves the energy of the body and mind to keep you light and vitalized.

July 19, 2022 | Seo2 2

Meditation to Keep Up with our Children

This meditation is to help us keep up with our children, and to help us handle the more sensitive brain activity needed for the coming era.

May 17, 2022 | Seo2 2

Creating Magnetic Fields to Expand Your Inner Self

Sometimes the most difficult thing is to shift gears—from anger or frustration to something more productive, moving the energy from one chakra to another. This kriya can help with our capacity to make the shift.

April 2, 2022 | Seo2 2

Kriya to Overcome Crisis

Mistakes in life sometimes cause us to question ourselves. If you can be secure in your identity, you can overcome the challenges that come your way. This kriya is one of the Three Kriyas to Become a Man, originally taught in 1985. Although it was initially taught only to...

March 30, 2022 | Seo2 2

Kriya for Inner and Outer Vision

Balancing the Apana Energy

Apana is the eliminative energy. Too little or too much can create problems in accomplishing and bringing things to completion. This kriya is one of the Three Kriyas to Become a Man, originally taught in 1985. Although it was initially taught to men, it can be practiced by anyone...

March 30, 2022 | Seo2 2

Hast Kriya: Earth to Heavens

This kriya works to renew the nervous system and may help to heal nerve pain and sciatica. It is said that if you do it for 22 minutes a day, it has the ability to transform your personality by clearing out anger and obnoxiousness.

August 27, 2021 | Seo2 2

2 Meditations for Opening the Higher Centers

When the thyroid and parathyroid secretions are stimulated to a certain level, the pranic energy flows more freely into the upper energy centers of the head.

August 12, 2021 | Seo2 2

Meditation for Stress and Sudden Shock

The practice of this meditation as soon as reasonably possible after a sudden shock can help as an immediate response and can serve to reduce the chance of post traumatic stress in the months ahead.

August 9, 2021 | Seo2 2