Janet Howard is a writer who offers hope and insights through inspirational essays and heart-centered stories. She writes about lessons from nature, seva, a career in healthcare sustainability, dreams, and Kundalini Yoga. Her first book, “Field Notes on Letting Go” is for people that want to drop the script they've been forced to follow, write a new narrative, and live free from fear. It is accompanied by “Field Notes on Letting Go - A Pondering Workbook” for further exploration of the landscape of life, connection to nature, and to your inner child for healing and personal freedom. Learn more about Janet at www.rosehip26.com. 

The Healing Vibration of Sat Nam

Five years ago, I established a daily Kundalini Yoga practice and planted the seed of Sat Nam - truth - breathing in Sat and exhaling Nam. I tenderly cared for it and watered it with purifying tears.

May 17, 2024 | Janet Howard In Blog New