
Making a Circle

As I become older, I feel more and more that I am not changing but coming back to how I really was when I was a child. I don’t mean that I am becoming a child. I mean I am coming back to the connection that I had with...

November 18, 2022 | Anya Poroshina

Mantra: A Bridge Between Worlds

It’s hard to find a Kundalini yogi that hasn’t been, in some way or form, transformed by the power of sound. In this post, we journey into the beloved and medicinal world of mantra and explore the ways in which mantra serves as a bridge between worlds.

April 25, 2022 | 3HO International

Celestial Communication for Deep Relaxation

Celestial Communication is movement with the upper body only, affecting the heart, upper chakras and the aura. It combines the Heart Center, the flourishing emotions, and a variety of movements to transform your experience of your Self.

February 16, 2022 | 3HO International

A Personal Experience of the Mul Mantra

When I was starting my practice of Kundalini Yoga in 2007, the Mul Mantra was one of the first mantras I heard. My initial reaction to it was that I didn’t understand it. It puzzled me. What does this mantra mean?

December 6, 2021 | Anya Poroshina


Mantra is the applied use of sound to impact consciousness. Mantras can be as simple as one word phrases, and as complex and beautiful as those we find in ancient texts.

September 30, 2021 | 3HO International

Vibrating with the Word as My Destiny Name

My name-mate and I would sit together and ponder the metaphors carefully to learn more about the nuances of our spiritual names and our related actions in the world. The hukam would speak in different ways about the power of the Shabad.

October 3, 2017 | Shabad Kaur Khalsa