Detox Physically

Sometimes we need to detox from all of the contaminants and pollutants of the world.

When you feel a need to cleanse — spring and fall are particularly good times — call on these Kundalini Yoga lifestyle practices. The recipes, kriyas, and Ayurvedic wisdom will support you in getting rid of toxins and re-establishing natural health and well-being.

Kriya for Detoxification

Kriya for Detoxification

This set of exercises systematically moves the energy of the body and mind to keep you light and vitalized. Try doing it for 40-days as part of a systemic detox.

Sixteen-Stroke Breath to Rebuild Health

Excellent for the glandular system, this kriya can help rid the body of toxins and rebuild your cells.
Sixteen-Stroke Breath

More Practices to Explore

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