
Vibrating Peace, One by One

Real long-lasting peace will not come through the politicians or organizations promoting peace. Real peace will come through the individual—one by one until the whole world is vibrating peace.

September 6, 2022 | Michael Neutrino

Celestial Communication for Deep Relaxation

Celestial Communication is movement with the upper body only, affecting the heart, upper chakras and the aura. It combines the Heart Center, the flourishing emotions, and a variety of movements to transform your experience of your Self.

February 16, 2022 | 3HO International

A Personal Experience of the Mul Mantra

When I was starting my practice of Kundalini Yoga in 2007, the Mul Mantra was one of the first mantras I heard. My initial reaction to it was that I didn’t understand it. It puzzled me. What does this mantra mean?

December 6, 2021 | Anya Poroshina