Segmented Breath

The Practice

  1. For healing, energy and feeling uplifted: Inhale four parts in (inhale 1, inhale 2, inhale 3, inhale 4) //  exhale one part out. 
  2. For clarity, alertness and triggering glands: Inhale four parts in // exhale four parts out 
  3. For calming and centering: Inhale eight parts in // exhale eight parts out 
  4. For focus and energy: Inhale eight parts in // exhale four parts out 
  5. For calming, unblocking, and letting go: Inhale four parts in // exhale eight parts out 

Segmented breath is divided into several equal parts, stimulating the central brain and glandular system. With each division of the breath, we suspend the breath; it's important not to collapse or squeeze the nostrils or pull the breath too deeply into the lungs. The breath should strike a relaxed yet focused area in the nasal passage to stimulate a particular set of nerves. 

The Practice

  1. For healing, energy and feeling uplifted: Inhale four parts in (inhale 1, inhale 2, inhale 3, inhale 4) //  exhale one part out. 
  2. For clarity, alertness and triggering glands: Inhale four parts in // exhale four parts out 
  3. For calming and centering: Inhale eight parts in // exhale eight parts out 
  4. For focus and energy: Inhale eight parts in // exhale four parts out 
  5. For calming, unblocking, and letting go: Inhale four parts in // exhale eight parts out 
Jason Andreoni

Jason Andreoni

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