Numerology for August 2022: Eliminate Fear and Unite
The month of August ushers in a time where we need to revitalize ourselves for the days ahead. We will have several opportunities for an “energy upgrade” during the month, specifically on the 8th, 9th, 17th, 18th, 26th and 27th. These dates are transit points that accelerate karmic cleansing and allow for a higher light code frequency to be established.
Eight is energy and power, so you can literally rewire the flow of prana within your physical body and increase your strength and vitality. Number 8 represents the themes of healing, power, finance, leadership, fearlessness, and the Air Element. We all need to “air out” our minds, and eliminate the fears that are holding us back. It’s fair to say that there is a lot to be afraid of in our modern world, however, dwelling or stagnating in fear will not do anyone any good.
An excellent antidote to fear is the “Meditation for Mental Purity.” It is said that this practice, “has the capacity to cleanse the mind and make it clear as crystal.”
This meditation uses the “Gobind(a) Gobind(a), Haree Haree” mantra, and the word Gobind means “Sustainer.” There is a part in all of us that would like to feel sustained and nurtured, a part of us all that would like to know that the good graces of the Universe will come through. This is the way to “call it in,” and receive that benefit and support. This is the way to use your “Power of the Word” to heal and empower yourself.
August challenges us on the playing field of power, and the balance or potential imbalance of power. No one likes to feel as if their power is going to be taken away from them, so sparks will fly amidst the tumble and turmoil of it all. With the additional amplification of the Fire Element at play now, back away from the heat when you sense it simmering.
Adding to the overall drama, we have edgy number 14 showing up in the Base calculation (Base is month of 8 + year of 6 = 14). When number 14 steps into the room it can have that De Niro-esque attitude of, “You talkin’ to me?” That’s right, looking for trouble in all the wrong places.
Steer clear of anyone who appears to be posing any kind of verbal threat or challenge. People always send out signals ahead of the curve through posture, facial expression, tone of voice, etc., so read the signs! It will not take much to tick someone off now, and you don’t need to be part of their emotional chaos.
I understand that this may sound a bit heavy, but hey, just look briefly at the news feed and you can read the writing on the wall. If I were to quote anyone it would be the Tibetans, who say, “The best armor is to stay out of range.”

Looking for a little sunshine here in August, I do have some good news. The Heart number (Heart is month of 8 + Gift of 4 = 12) is a 12. Number 12 reduces down to 3, but is also counted as a “higher octave” of number 3. Twelve represents a gathering of like-minded people who would like to create something that will benefit humanity. It is a very inclusive number as it also resonates with number 3, which is the maternal or paternal instinct.
In response to all that is unfolding in the world, more people than ever will be uniting and co-creating for social change and justice. It definitely takes a certain amount of courage to speak truth to power, and there is a frequency of Light prevailing now that will help to facilitate this.
Within the polarity of number 8, the themes of power and fear can behave like circling and cycling balls of energy connected to each other ( OO ). How to break the spin cycle of fear? Sometimes we just need to make a verbal stand for ourselves, and reclaim our power in the face of what we are troubled by. One of the best examples I can think of comes from a brilliant scene in “The Wizard of Oz” (that’s right!).
When Dorothy is being bullied by the Wicked Witch of the West, Glenda the Good Witch comes to her aid and declares, “Be gone, you have no power here!” (an 8 second film clip, worth watching!)
There are times when we just need to speak-up and stick-up for ourselves, and declare to the negative energies, “Be gone, you have no power here!”
Our very own “Power of the Word” is an innate and imperative part of our spiritual force in the world. Raising children in a culture of support and encouragement is essential to turning the tide of disillusionment that many young people have fallen into. Speaking words of Faith can give a child the strength they need to walk tall in the world, attracting the best alliances.
Something as simple as speaking over your child (even if they are a teenager!), the words:
“May God make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:82.
It is this infusion of Faith that will help to turn the tide of what so many young people are missing in their lives. Faith is power, and it can move mountains.
Let’s explore further the number 8 of August, and seek out healing remedies for the physical body. Eight represents the lungs in the science of Numerology, and there are many powerful healing and cleansing herbs for the lungs. By tea or capsule you can consider including Astragalus, Licorice, Pippali, and Turmeric in your diet. I think it is always best to do your own research on herbs, and then make your own well-educated decision.
If you live in an urban area, consider getting an air purifier for your bedroom. Then for at least 8 hours a day you are breathing clean air! A few indoor plants that help to remove toxins from the air are Peace Lily, Spider plant, Madagascar Dragon Tree, and Boston Fern. You are closer than you may think to a healthier you.
We are without a doubt, in a wild and wooly time on planet Earth, and yet, there is always a way to prosper and be healthy. Renew yourself through positive actions that enliven your mind, body and Soul. You at your best can rise above any and all circumstance, and bring a glow of encouragement to those around you.
In the words of Marissa Mayer, Sunshine’s entrepreneur extraordinaire:
“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”