Ego Eradicator

Ego Eradicator opens the lungs, consolidates the magnetic field, and brings the brain hemispheres to a state of alertness.

The Practice

Posture & Mudra: This exercise can be done in Easy Pose or Rock Pose. Raise the arms up to a 60 degree angle. Keep the elbows straight and the shoulders down. Apply Neck Lock. Reach the thumbs up as if you are plugging them into the sky.  Fold the fingers onto the mounds at the base of the fingers, and stretch the palms wide, pulling the knuckles back.

Eyes: Eyes are closed.

Mental Focus: Focus above the head.

Breath: Breath of Fire


Continue for 1 – 3 minutes. To end, inhale deeply and bring the arms overhead with the thumb tips touching. Open the fingers, exhale and relax the arms down.


There are variations of this exercise found in many different kriyas.