
Balance the Mind in the Group Energy

This is a dynamic but accessible set meant to balance the mind in group energy. Keep yourself balanced and centered as you enjoy the group energy.

June 8, 2022 | Seo2 2

Guidance of the Soul

This exercise is an opportunity to learn to confront your pain, your calamity, and overcome it. Give power to yourself through this practice.

March 28, 2022 | Seo2 2

Get Rid of Your “Couldn’t”

Sometimes when we intend to do something, our ego gets the best of us and we are unable to see it through. This meditation is a tool to strengthen the clarity and positivity of our will so that the highest good of our intentions is not waylaid by circumstance....

March 24, 2022 | Seo2 2

Clearing the Subconscious

Get clear and use the power of the breath of life as a prayer for self-elevation.

March 24, 2022 | Seo2 2

Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body

This kriya works to strengthen the Subtle Body and also the Arcline, which influences both your ability to receive intuitive information, and the power of the information you are sending out. In addition to these benefits, it is said to give you a bright, shining countenance.

February 9, 2022 | Seo2 2

Har Meditation for Prosperity

This meditation stimulates the mind, along with the moon and Jupiter centers of the hands. It’s the coming together of Moon and Jupiter that’s said to create wealth. 

December 3, 2021 | Seo2 2

Movement Meditation for Overcoming Grief

If available, you may practice this meditation sitting or standing comfortably in water--in your bathtub at home, in a swimming pool, in a lake, a river, or the ocean when it is calm.

October 22, 2021 | Seo2 2

Foundation for Infinity

To reach the subtle realm of ether where we are by nature boundless, we must first set a firm foundation on the Earth. Practicing this kriya is a means of setting that foundation. Then the meditation launches you into the realms of Infinity.

August 16, 2021 | Seo2 2