This meditation uses the same melody as Kirtan Kriya. Chanting Ra-a-Ma-a in this way merges the sun and moon energies, bringing the polarity energies of the mind-body into balance.
This meditation can be done alone or in a group. Chanting in a group will bring you to the same frequency of communication with each other and will expand your intuition to understand one another, rather than misunderstand, or misinterpret the communication.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in a perfect yogic pose with a straight spine.
Eyes: Focus at the Brow Point.
Mantra: Ra-a Ma-a. Inhale and chant beautifully and rhythmically. Pace is one repetition every four seconds. Chant in the same melody as Kirtan Kriya (Sa Ta Na Ma).
Ra: The sun energy, positive, generating force
A: Come, exist
Ma: The moon energy, negative, receptive force
Breath: Breathe as necessary

Continue for 5 – 11 minutes.
Ra is the solar energy, and Ma is the lunar energy. In Sanskrit, the “a” serves as an invocation. Chanting Ra-a-ma-a brings the sun and moon energies into balance.
This meditation can be found in Kriya: Yoga Sets, Meditations, & Classic Kriyas.