This practice harnesses the power of japa, or mantra repetition, to confirm and reaffirm your Self through your own sound current, your own voice.
This meditation develops the capacity to stop the vicious cycle of frustration, self-doubt, and anger. The head is bent, as if offering oneself to the great unknown, or higher self. Besides strengthening your mental direction, it is also said to alleviate blood disease, strengthen the fifth chakra, and build trust in intuition.
Part One
Posture: Sit with a straight spine in Easy Pose or Lotus Pose.
Mudra & Breath Pattern: Cup the hands lightly together. Leave a slit between the outer sides of the little fingers. Bow the head forward over the palms. Look into the palms, eyes barely open. Inhale in 10 strokes, mentally vibrating Whaa-Ho with each stroke. Exhale In 10 strokes, each time mentally vibrating Guroo.

Continue for 11 minutes. Then inhale powerfully, exhale powerfully, and relax.
Part Two
Posture and Mantra: Still sitting in Easy Pose, hands in Gyan Mudra, chant in a continuous monotone:
Whaa-Ho Whaa-Ho Whaa-Ho Whaa-Ho
Whaa-Ho Whaa-Ho Whaa-Ho Whaa-Ho
Guroo Guroo Guroo Guroo
Guroo Guroo Guroo Guroo

Continue for 5-11 minutes. You may build up to 31 minutes.
At times when the path of truth and clarity seems lost, calm yourself and still your mind. Then the path will be shown to you.
To live life according to the guidance of inner truth is essential. If you do not, you will have doubts. If doubts are not removed, then frustration comes in. Frustration, when not released, leads to anger. Anger then leads to destructive action either to the Self, others, or both. To stop this vicious cycle, create the habit to still the Self and ask questions of your own higher consciousness. This meditation can develop that capacity.