If sleep is a regular problem for you, try practicing this kriya for 90 days. It can help to eliminate disturbances in your sleep throughout the night, and give you more energy and alertness throughout the day. It can be done either before bed at night or in the morning.
Rock Pose Lean
Posture: Sit on the heels with the palms on the thighs. Keep the spine straight and lean back 30 degrees from the vertical position.
Breath: Hold the posture with long deep breathing.

Continue for 1 minute, then relax.
Rotate Torso
Posture: Still sitting on the heels, fold the arms across the chest and hold onto the elbows.
Movement: Rotate the torso in a circle from right to left.

Continue this grinding motion for 3 minutes.
Body Drops
Posture: Immediately stretch the legs out straight. Put the hands on the ground next to the hips.
Breath & Movement: With the inhale lift the heels and body off the ground. With the exhale drop the body.

Do 20 of these “body drops” with the breath.
Repeat Rotate Torso

Continue for 3 minutes.
Repeat Body Drops

Do 15 body drops.
Bridge Pose
Posture: Come into Bridge Pose. Raise the hips up and bend at the knees. The palms and feet are on the ground. Let the head relax back.
Breath: Hold the pose for 1 minute with normal breathing. Then begin Breath of Fire.

Continue for 3 minutes. Then inhale, exhale completely, and hold the breath out as you apply mulbhand. Relax.
Repeat Body Drops

Do 10 body drops.
Repeat Bridge Pose
Breath: Breath of Fire.

Continue for 3 minutes.
Posture: Lie down on your back and relax completely.
Continue for 2 – 3 minutes.
Bridge Pose with Leg Extension
Posture: Come into Bridge Pose. Raise the right leg 60 degrees. Point the toes forward.
Breath: Do a powerful breath of fire for 1 ½ minutes. Then inhale deeply, exhale completely, and apply mulbhand. Repeat the exercise with the left leg raised. Relax.

Crow Pose Squats
Posture: Squat down with the feet flat on the ground. With the palms facing down, extend the arms in front parallel to the ground.
Breath & Movement: Inhale deeply as you stand up; exhale completely as you squat down. Keep the spine as straight as possible.

Do 30 of these Crow Pose squats.
Cobra Kicks
Posture: Lie on the stomach. Put the palms on the ground under the shoulders. Slowly arch up into Cobra Pose.
Breath & Movement: Hold the pose with normal breathing for 1 minute. Then kick the buttocks with one leg for 2 minutes. Each time the heel strikes the buttocks, exhale slightly. Kick with the other leg for 2 more minutes. Relax.

Total time is 5 minutes.
Rock Pose
Posture: Sit on the heels in Rock Pose. Extend the arms straight over the head with the palms flat together. Bring the palms down halfway toward the top of the head with the elbows slightly bent.
Eyes: Raise the eyes up and focus at the center of the skull on the pineal gland and through the top of the head.

Continue for at least 3 minutes, then relax.
This kriya can be found in Sadhana Guidelines.