The brain has two hemispheres, the left and the right. These two sides must coordinate their activities to supplement and complement each other. When this coordination is lacking, a person may be angry, frustrated, and self-destructive at worst; ineffective at best.
This is an active and dynamic set intended to coordinate the efforts and activities of the left and right brain.
Cat Cow
Posture: Come on to your hands and knees in Cow Pose.
Movement: Raise your right hand at the same time as you raise your left foot, keeping your left knee on the floor. (The left foot and shin move, but the knee stays on the floor.) Lower your right hand and left foot. Raise your left hand and right foot, keeping your knee on the floor. Continue alternately raising and lowering the opposite hands and feet.
Sing: Establish a rhythm for this movement and stay with that rhythm as you begin to sing a song you recall from memory. It doesn’t matter how fast you go, just keep the rhythm constant.
When this class was originally taught, the “National Anthem” was sung. Other suggestions are the first pauri of Jaap Sahib (Namastang Akaalay) or the shabd, Dayha Shiva.
Whatever you sing must be recited from memory while maintaining the rhythm of the movement.
Starting to practice this exercise at three years of age is ideal.

Continue for 6 minutes.
Knee Presses
Posture: Lie on your back. Keep your right leg straight while you bend your left leg, bringing your left knee to your chest.
Movement: Press your left leg to your chest with your hands for a second. Straighten your left leg and bring your right knee to your chest. By the time your hands press one knee, the other leg should be stretched out. Keep the extended leg out straight a few inches off the floor. Continue alternately pulling each knee to your chest.

Continue for 4 minutes.
Criss-Cross Legs
Posture: Still lying on your back, bring your legs up to 90 degrees.
Movement: Open your legs wide and begin criss-crossing them.
After 1 minute, as you continue to open and close your legs, begin a mental speech recounting incidents in your life that made you angry. Recall incidents that have upset you and talk them out mentally. Be sure to keep a steady rhythm in your movement. This exercise dismembers old memories.

Continue for another 11-31 minutes.
Torso 60 Degrees
Posture: Remain on your back, place your hands under your lower back and raise your torso up sixty degrees from the floor. Hold the position and smile. Do not rest your weight on your hands or arms.

Continue for 3 minutes.
Call Someone
Posture: Lie down on your back and call someone (anyone) at the top of your lungs.

Continue for 3 minutes 30 seconds.
Posture: Remain on your back and laugh.

Continue for 30 seconds.
Posture: Inhale and sit up in Easy Pose.
Mantra: Chant the Adi Shakri mantra “Ek Ong Kaar-a, Sa Ta Naa-ma, Siree Waa-ha, Hay Guroo” in the three and a half cycle Laya Yoga manner. On “Ek” pull the navel point. The last syllable of “Kaar-a”, “Naa-ma”, and “Waa-ha”, is created by sharply pulling in and up on the diaphragm. On “Hay Guroo”, relax the lock. Visualize the sound spinning around the spine from its base to the top of the head.

Continue for 11-31 minutes. To finish the kriya, continue to mentally chant as you inhale for 20 seconds, hold your breath for 20 seconds, and exhale for 20 seconds. Repeat this breath sequence two more times. Then raise your arms into the air and shake them vigorously. Shake the spine and the whole body. Relax.
This kriya can be found in Reaching Me in Me.