
White Tantric Yoga® | Barcelona, Spain 2025


White Tantric Yoga® enables you to break through subconscious blocks, so you can have a more enjoyable life. In the shortest time, you can experience release from a lot of the burden you carry in your mind.

White Tantric Yoga is done in pairs as a group meditation. You sit facing a partner and follow instructions for meditation given on video. A workshop facilitator will be present to facilitate White Tantric Yoga. The facilitator’s role is one of ensuring the methodology given is carried out, and helping participants maximize their experience.

Each workshop consists of between six and eight kriyas. A kriya is a meditation incorporating:
• a yoga posture (asana)
• a hand position (mudra)
• a breathing technique (pranayama)
• a mental focus and/or a mantra

Sometimes the kriyas are accompanied by music. These kriyas vary in length up to sixty-two minutes. There are breaks in between each kriya. The environment is peaceful, and the atmosphere is friendly, supportive, and uplifting. A vegan lunch is provided.

Taught by

Tantric Facilitator

Event Topic

White Tantric Yoga

Event Type


Event Website


Starts at

07:00 am. Ends at 08:00 pm.

Time zone: Central European Standard Time | Find your time zone here.

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