Summer Solstice 2022 Announcement

Gathering at Ram Das Puri for Summer Solstice is a sacred and transformational experience that we have deeply missed over these last two years. For the last six months, 3HO has been working hard to find a way to be together in person for this event once again.

We have looked deeply at every angle, from our deep desire for in-person connection to the health and safety risks involved. We also reached out to you, the community, for your perspectives on holding a 2022 event at Ram Das Puri. After carefully considering all factors, the 3HO Board of Directors has made the difficult decision not to hold an in-person event in New Mexico this summer. We recognize this will be heartbreaking for many members of the Kundalini Yoga community, as it has been for us. We look forward to sharing another wonderful eSolstice event with you instead.

While we will not be gathering at Ram Das Puri, we wish instead to turn the focus to you, the extraordinary communities around the world. We invite you to create your own local gatherings and celebrations, and to share them with us to be featured in our online eSolstice—whether a single class, group meditation, workshop, or full-day event. Let’s come together online for an inspiring, global celebration of teachers, participants, communities, and classes. 3HO will also provide you with resources to help you organize and promote your events.

Click here to let us know about your Solstice gathering so we can feature it!

Thank you for the light you bring to your communities, and we look forward to seeing you online in June!

-Your Friends at 3HO International

P.S. It is clear we are all looking for opportunities to connect and practice together, and 3HO will continue offering dynamic online events throughout 2022. Click here to apply to teach at one of our online events!

3HO International

3HO International

3HO is a nonprofit with a mission to inspire everyone everywhere to realize their full potential through the uplifting experience of Kundalini Yoga.


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