
The Brain Doctor

This kriya is a brain doctor. It patches the two hemispheres together so you can both sense and project who you really are.

July 20, 2022 | Seo2 2

Long Deep Breathing

Long deep breathing is one of the most important foundational tools within the technology of Kundalini Yoga. This seemingly simple exercise promotes benefits across the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

July 19, 2022 | Seo2 2

Pituitary Gland Series

It is said that when the pituitary gland is balanced through yoga and meditation, the body comes into harmony with the soul.

July 19, 2022 | Seo2 2

Intuition Meditation

Intuition gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning. It bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason.

June 3, 2022 | Seo2 2

Blue Pearl Meditation for Initiation into Intuition

It was initially said that anyone who does this exercise for 11 minutes every day will develop such a powerful intuition that it will clearly warn you of danger. It will also give you self-control when you are angry.

May 17, 2022 | Seo2 2

Guidance of the Soul

This exercise is an opportunity to learn to confront your pain, your calamity, and overcome it. Give power to yourself through this practice.

March 28, 2022 | Seo2 2

Meditation to Hear the Inner Voice

This meditation strengthens your ability to hear the voice of your inner wisdom, so that you can learn to rely on your own guidance rather than seeking answers outside.

March 24, 2022 | Seo2 2

Meditation to Develop Trust

Develop trust in yourself and in the Universe to cover you. Trust and be guided by your inner wisdom. You are taken care of. Learn to let worry, fear, anxiety and hassling drop away.

March 22, 2022 | Seo2 2