
Immune System Booster: The Inner Sun

This meditation uses a type of breathing called “sunbreath” to stimulate and adjust the sympathetic nervous system and the right brain hemisphere, which stores many of the negative emotions that lead us to depression and to a lower-functioning immune system. 

January 13, 2022 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Basic Spinal Energy Series

In Kundalini Yoga it is often said that age is measured by the flexibility of the spine: to stay young, stay flexible. This series works systematically from the base of the spine to the top. All 26 vertebrae receive stimulation and all the chakras receive a burst of energy.

December 15, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy

This meditation is said to give you powerful energy; help remedy 'brain drain;’ work on the eyes, ears, nose, thyroid and brain; and give you a great joy in life.

December 15, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Meditation to Bring Prosperity to Your Life

This 3-part kriya that uses breath, mantra, and meditation to open the heart center. It is through the awakened heart that we attract what’s in our highest good. 

November 29, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Aerobic Capacity & Efficiency Meditation

Disease develops when the body gets less oxygen, eliminates less waste, and the brain, organs, and glands decrease their functioning. This kriya helps to prevent that breakdown, and maintains your vital capacity as you age.

August 20, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Adjust Your Flow – The Four U’s

This set invigorates you by adjusting your Pranic Body with your Auric Body. These postures are called the 4 U's and they are "for you." They set the nervous system to withstand the pressures of society and challenges of the times.

August 19, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Kriya for Energy & Rejuvenation

This kriya addresses issues specifically related to strengthening one's capacity to endure. It builds stamina, courage and strength, physically, mentally and spiritually so that you can meet the challenges of the new Age with grace and vitality.

August 19, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Yogi Philosophy

A Short and Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy Moving

This is a simple set of exercises. It makes the back feel great and gets the ener­gy moving. It is a good series to do after you wake up in the morning or before bed at night. It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation...

August 18, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Self-Care Breath Kriya

This self-care breath increases inner energy and strength, boosts the immune system, and cleanses the body.

August 17, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit

The whole body structure is responsible for one’s elevation, for one’s “being-ness.” A car has its gas, it has transmission, and it starts. If one part is missing, or if just a little air does not get to the gas, it dies. It is the same with the body.

August 17, 2021 | 3HO International