
Intuition Meditation

Intuition gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning. It bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason.

June 3, 2022 | Seo2 2

Meditation on Everyone as a Flow of Life

Built into the heart of Kundalini Yoga is the recognition of the divine spark in all. This meditation is meant to awaken this realization: that you are spirit, and everyone around you is spirit.

May 13, 2022 | Seo2 2

Keeping the Body Beautiful

This kriya, which contains a slight variation of the standard Frog Pose, is very powerful. You must keep the chin locked in. It re-adjusts the sex energy and the balance of prana and apana. It is good for digestion and brings circulation to the head. If done with powerful...

February 15, 2022 | Seo2 2

Meditation for Change

To come out of the darkness, you must assess yourself. Ultimately, to be happy through all change and to have the full radiance of your soul, there must be surrender of your self to your higher self.

December 15, 2021 | Seo2 2

Elevate Spirit

Challenge the Ego in You

Once you see 108 Frog Poses, your ego might want to pass on this kriya. Challenge yourself but don't overdue it to the extent that you can't walk the next day! This one will make you sweat.

August 18, 2021 | Seo2 2

Meditation to Conquer Self-Animosity

This meditation conquers the state of self-animosity and gives you the ability for constant consciousness in support of the core self.

July 27, 2021 | Seo2 2