
Stress Relief and Clearing the Emotions of the Past

This meditation is especially useful for dealing with stressful relationships and with past family issues. lt addresses phobias, fears, and neuroses. It can remove unsettling thoughts from the past that surface into the present.

July 27, 2021 | Guru Tera Kaur Khalsa

Kriya to Open the Heart Center

This kriya opens the heart, increases compassion and sensitivity to others, and helps you to drop emotional defensiveness. Its calming effect allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and feelings, so you can be more in the present and experience your feelings more clearly.

July 14, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Meditation for a Calm Heart

This soothing breath practice (pranayama) relieves anxiety and promotes calmness and mental clarity.

July 13, 2021 | Seetal Prem Kaur

Pittra Kriya

Practice this kriya for 33 minutes a day to alleviate stress in your life. These exercises need to be done together and should not be done for less than or more than 11 minutes each.

July 12, 2021 | 3HO International